Discover the school, our history, philosophy and more…
Learn about our natural outdoor play and learning space
A comprehensive overview of our early childhood programs.
Discover the many advantages of our Private Kindergarten program.
A special greeting from Francesca Chemberlen, our Director of School
Learn just some of the many reasons families send their children to Turtle Rock
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Children ages 12 to 24 months
Our Toddler program encourages children to use their bodies, senses and their emerging problem-solving skills to learn about and make sense of their world in the ways most meaningful for them. We balance individual attention with group experiences and ensure that your toddler is using all that energy in productive ways.
Our unique curriculum is based on the philosophy that young children learn best through hands-on experiences. Each day is filled with fun activities that excite and develop toddlers, giving them the comfort and confidence to speak those first few important words, as well as make their first friends.