Discover the school, our history, philosophy and more…
Learn about our natural outdoor play and learning space
A comprehensive overview of our early childhood programs.
Discover the many advantages of our Private Kindergarten program.
A special greeting from Francesca Chemberlen, our Director of School
Learn just some of the many reasons families send their children to Turtle Rock
Login for parent resources and information about your enrolled child
View answers to our most frequently asked questions by prospective families
The time-honored traditions that we practice at Turtle Rock nurture a child’s sense of self and social responsibility. We believe the fundamental values of respect and compassion start at the earliest ages and are learned through modeling and practicing small, regular customs.
Our entire community of students, parents, teachers, and staff celebrate Turtle Rock traditions — we look forward to them, enjoy being a part of them, and take pride in watching children become accustomed to these social experiences. Some of our traditions include:
Our entire school community gathers once a month to sing songs, celebrate important events, and watch special student performances. These gatherings also periodically welcome guest speakers who read stories or introduce topics related to upcoming activities. These guest include a visit from Santa during the holidays or Choco Bear, the beloved mascot for Children’s Hospital of Orange County, prior to our charity Move-A-Thon.
Our Kindergarten students partner with a Preschooler (2-3 year olds) each school year. As the “big kids” on campus, Kindergartners begin to realize they are role models for our younger students. The buddies meet once per month for various fun activities, from reading together to special art projects. You’ll be amazed at how grown-up Kindergartners can be when given a little person to help.
This traditional British folk song dating to the 18th century is our official school song, and is sung at school gatherings by both children and staff. The lyrics celebrate the diversity and inclusiveness of our community.
Numerous community-building events and activities occur each year at Turtle Rock. These special events add to the social atmosphere of our school and bring parents together to celebrate the success of our individual and collective efforts. The largest of these are: Our charity “Kids on the Move-A-Thon” in April, our “Family Fun Fair” in May, and our “Halloween Bash” in October.