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A comprehensive overview of our early childhood programs.
Discover the many advantages of our Private Kindergarten program.
A special greeting from Francesca Chemberlen, our Director of School
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Children ages 8 weeks to 12 months
Our youngest program welcomes babies as young as 8 weeks old. Highly specialized infant teachers offer a nurturing, loving, creative world to help our littlest learners’ minds and bodies develop. We know that every moment with an infant is precious, and we are committed to making you feel comfortable that Turtle Rock will be a second home to your baby.
The specially designed infant room is a place where babies feel safe, secure and happy. Individual cribs, separate areas for changing and feeding, and a “covered-shoes only” policy ensure clean playing, eating and sleeping spaces.
Your baby will develop and learn more in his first year of life than at any other point. Through age-appropriate games and activities, our experienced and loving teachers lay the foundation for later learning and help infants develop early cognitive and motor skills. We know that you are your child’s most important teacher and, therefore, we will communicate daily with you about your child’s growth.
After the age of 12 months a child may begin to transition into the toddler program. Move-up timing may vary, depending on the child’s developmental readiness and availability in the toddler classroom.