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Discover the many advantages of our Private Kindergarten program.
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Children must be 4 years old by September 1, 2025 to enter our 2025-26 Pre-Kindergarten Program.
We fill our pre-kindergarten curricula with hands-on projects and active play. Academically, we emphasize literacy and math, and dedicating blocks of time to skill mastery. We then spark students’ interests by tailoring the curriculum and giving children leadership opportunities to explore, investigate, hypothesize, create and discover. This gives them ownership of their learning as well as critical practice in problem-solving, communicating and collaborating.
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are all areas of focus in building literacy skills. Using Zoo-phonics® and Handwriting Without Tears®, children learn to make meaningful connections between reading and writing.
Our students learn to respect one another. They gain confidence and learn to participate in classroom activities. They become part of a community—an active, helpful part. They are encouraged to think independently, while working cooperatively. They have opportunities to pursue their own interests, while learning the value of teamwork. So before they head to a Kindergarten classroom, they’re prepared for the academic and social adventures ahead.
While part of their day builds on the skills they learned in Junior Pre-K, more time is spent focused on activities such as studying patterns, investigating one of their five senses or developing ideas related to their similarities and differences. Each month, our teachers choose activities based on the unique developmental needs and interests of the children in their classroom. These theme-based activities are incorporated into each week’s curriculum.