Emoji Curriculum | Turtle Rock Preschool | Infant, Preschool and Kindergarten Child Care in Irvine


Turtle Rock is constantly reviewing the latest research in early childhood learning, and we are excited to announce the addition of the emoji language to our curriculum! With its growing popularity, emoji facial expressions and pictures can be universally understood, regardless of spoken language.  We are confident that teaching these ideograms and smileys will prepare our children for future success!


Researchers and scholars have praised this language as the most universal language for all ages to use.

  • The fastest growing language in history, Emoji’s compliment all written language and is used by 8 out of 10 people.
  • Emoji are used much like emoticons and exist in various genres, including facial expressions, common objects, places and types of weather, and animals.
  • Originating on Japanese mobile phones in the late 1990s, emoji have become increasingly popular worldwide.

There’s an emoji for every situation.  Young children, who have not yet fully developed their verbal speaking skills, can now communicate their emotions, experiences, and struggles using simple emojis.

Pellentesque a lobortis neque, nec imperdiet risus. Praesent porta dapibus felis mollis pulvinar. Sed elementum ipsum sed tortor elementum, at lobortis quam tincidunt. Sed finibus magna sed porta gravida. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi rhoncus dui id tortor iaculis, eget varius nunc pharetra. In id ipsum consectetur, ornare dolor et, posuere magna. Nulla facilisi.

Teaching the Emoji Generation

The Emoji Education starts early in our Nursery Program. For our youngest learners, Emoji’s help to reinforce spoken language and demonstrate a deeper connection. With songs and Felt board stories, and lots of expressive/dramatic language. Teachers expose infants and young toddlers to Emoticons. With our Preschool – Pre- Kindergarten Programs we are able to pull Emoji’s into our circle time activities as well as in our centers and table top activities. Our Private Kindergarten class really takes advantage of the Emoji Education is. They have been able to incorporate Emoji’s into Language Art, Mathematics and within our Smartboard technologies.


Though we may have used bits and pieces of its symbiology like happy, sad and angry faces to help our younger children express emotions, using the Emoji language in its entirety will allow for all of our students to be able express, explain and encourage thoughts, emotions and actions through Emoji education!

Happy April Fools’ Day 2017! ?